Sreenadh, Akhila, Aadrika & Anudraha

March 2020

Meet Sreenadh, Akhila, Aadrika and Anudraha - This cheerful and active family is our March member profile. You’re likely to find this family of four on the track, running laps – which might sound surprising considering both of their little girls are under age 5. But for this family, it seems like the sky is the limit. At just 4 and a half years old, Aadrika can run as many as 24 laps – that’s about 5km. Sreenadh and Akhila say that while their goal is to stay fit and active, they truly enjoy seeing their kids staying healthy and having fun.

"Our workout song is our little ones' talks."
  • Where is your hometown?
"Kerala, India. [We've been] in Halifax since 2016."
    • What motivates you to maintain and active lifestyle/why is fitness so important to you?
    "We’re more concerned about our kids' health, and don’t want them to be addicted to mobile phones, tablets and cartoons. Trying to keep them physically active will provide them healthy growth and development."
    • What do you like about the CGC?
    "Everything under one roof, especially for families."

      • What do you like to do in your spare time?
      "During winter months our only answer is CGC and we're thankful for that. During summer we used to go biking, hiking and camping."
      • What is your favourite workout routine/where in the CGC will we find you?
      "Building up endurance, power and flexibility is our main goal. We will be on the Track most of the time and occasionally in the pool as well."
      • What is your favourite food or indulgence?
      "Masala Dosa (An Indian dish)" 
      • What is your favorite post-workout snack?
      "We don’t have any post workout snack in particular. High protein homemade foods and juices are our usual routine."
      • What is your favourite movie/book/TV show?
      "People are Awesome on YouTube, which is the main inspiration behind my girls' interest in all their activities."
      • What is your go-to workout song or what are you listening to right now ?
      "Our workout song is our little ones' talks."
      • What is your favourite quote?
      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, "I'm possible" " - Audrey Hepburn
      • What is your current workout goal or proudest accomplishment since starting at the CGC?
      "My wife and I's workout goal is to stay fit and active. For my kids, I’m training them to get a head start to develop their endurance, power and flexibility."
      • What was your first impression of the CGC?
      "The pleasant, quiet and welcoming atmosphere."
      • What is your favourite memory of the CGC?
      "The awesome support from the staff and the mind-blowing patrons, especially when my 4 and a half year old little runner goes around the track for 24 laps, and also helping her to reach 3.2miles (5.16km) in just 3 months."
      • What do you wish other people knew about the CGC?
      "CGC is your first choice for a family workout goal."

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