Available to all starting Monday, July 30th, 2018
July 27, 2018

Starting on Monday, July 30th, CGC members and visitors can try our new outdoor PLAYBOX! Located beside our physical literacy playground, the PLAYBOX contains a variety of sports equipment and games for families to engage in active outdoor play together.
What’s in the PLAYBOX?
• Soccer balls, volleyballs, baseball equipment, badminton racquets, birdies
• Sidewalk chalk, Frisbees, skipping ropes
• A playbook for active outdoor games and more
The PLAYBOX is simple and fun; please follow these 3 rules:
1. Play safely and be aware of your surroundings
2. Only borrow what you need, so others can have fun
3. Return items when done to the PLAYBOX
If you notice missing items, damage to the box or to the contents, please inform the Customer Service Desk. Also feel free to email us at if you have any suggestions or items you would want to see in the PLAYBOX.