Dylan Cleroux, Strength & Conditioning Coach / Personal Trainer at CGC since February 2020

Hometown: New Glasgow, NS

Education: Bachelor of Science (Recreation)/Bachelor of Management, Dalhousie University
Certified Heart Wise Exercise Training Instructor, Cardiac Health Foundation of Canada
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)

Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
Group Fitness Instructor, SCW Fitness Education
Indoor Cycling Exercise Leader, Nova Scotia Fitness Association (NSFA)
Kettlebell Instructor, NSFA

TRX Instructor

Favourite Post-Workout Snack: Banana and a protein shake

Fitness Super Power: To recover quickly

Dylan’s Fitness Bucket List: To compete in a Spartan Race

Grant MacDonald, Exercise Specialist since April 2024

Hometown: Lawrencetown, NS

Education: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Dalhousie University

Favourite Post-Workout Snack: : Chocolate protein shake and cinnamon raisin bagel, toasted with peanut butter

Fitness Super Power: I wish I could never get injured. That way, I would never stop training!

Grant’s Fitness Bucket List: One day, I hope to play in the World Games in Flying Disc. It’s the next big stage for me after competing at the U24 World Championships!

Logan Harris, Fitness & Wellness Coordinator / Exercise Specialist at CGC since August 2023

Hometown: Shelburne, NS

Education: Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics, St. FX University
Certified Personal Trainer, Brookbush Human Movement Institute
Human Movement Specialist, Brookbush Human Movement Institute

Favourite Post-Workout Snack: A Panquiche. Is it a pancake? Is it a quiche? No one knows.

Fitness Super Power: To warm-up instantly so if I have 2 minutes, I can do a working set.

Logan’s Fitness Bucket List: To hike New Zealand. I like Kiwis. And hiking. And Middle Earth.

Sarah Publicover, Exercise Specialist at CGC since May 2024

Hometown: St. Margaret’s Bay, NS

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics, St. FX University
Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer Network (CPTN)
Group Exercise Leader, Nova Scotia Fitness Association (NSFA)

Favourite Post-Workout Snack: Greek yogurt with fruit and granola

Fitness Super Power: Never-ending endurance so I never fatigue!

Sarah’s Fitness Bucket List: I want to do a pull-up!

Let Dylan, Grant, Logan or Sarah help you to challenge your own fitness commitments and reach your goals. Give us a call at ‎902.490.2249 to talk about your personal training or dryland team training options.