
About Our Aquafit Classes With Aquafit, you’ll have the added benefits of the water’s resistance and extra support for your muscles and joints while working out. Whether you are just starting out or looking to add some variety to your exercise routine, we have a class for you. All of our Aquafit classes are included in… Read More»

Swim Lessons

Lifesaving Society’s Swim for Life Program Based on the internationally recognized Swim to Survive standard, the CGC follows the Lifesaving Society’s Swim for Life Program which focuses on basic survival skills and proper swimming technique – fun from day one! Swim for Life starts by developing strong foundations and personal self-rescue skills, then continues on by challenging swimmers… Read More»

Aquatics Programs & Courses

phys·i·cal lit·er·a·cy noun : Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life. At the Canada Games Centre, we strive to provide the best programs and services possible to improve physical literacy for all – from the very young to the… Read More»

About Us

“I love how there’s such a strong sense of community here. There really aren’t many places where athletes, non-athletes, teens, parents and their children can all have access to their choice of fitness, sport, and wellness activities under the same roof. And how cool is it that it’s in our own neighbourhood?” — Karen, Customer… Read More»