Free Demo: Yoga for Runners/Athletes
September 16, 2015 | 7:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Canada Games Centre - Fitness Studio 2
Take our fall fitness programs for a test drive!
Yoga For Runners/Athletes – free program demo
Regardless of your training level, you will benefit from this training program. If you’re planning your next marathon, or the thought of allowing your body to move more freely and pain free entices you, then this class is for you.
Regardless of the type of sport, activity or level of training you do, you can benefit from this yoga flexibility and core training class which also includes fascia release through foam rolling. Using the foundations of yoga to cross train will increase your awareness of your body and help with injury prevention.
When: Wednesday, September 16th from 7:15pm-8:15pm
Where: Fitness Studio 2
Instructor: Dave Carr
Free for members and non-members. Non-members simply check-in at the Customer Service Desk before heading to the demo.