phys·i·cal lit·er·a·cy noun : Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

At the Canada Games Centre, we strive to provide the best programs and services possible to improve physical literacy for all – from the very young to the young at heart.

Following the Sport for Life (S4L)’s guidelines for physical literacy, we continue to add and improve programming every season.

2024 Summer Camps & Programs Guide

Click to view the full 2024 Summer Camps & Programs Guide

Summer 2024 Registration Dates

Online | March 19th, beginning at 8:00am
In-Person | March 21st, beginning at 8:00am

Online | March 26th, beginning at 8:00am
In-Person | March 28th, beginning at 8:00am