We like the CGC and hope you do too. For the protection, safety and enjoyment of all Centre users, we ask that the following facility rules are followed:
- Treat all employees, others and property with respect at all times. Inappropriate behaviour and language are not tolerated. By entering the CGC you agree to abide by the User Code of Conduct.
- Masks are not required within the facility, but fully welcome. Please continue to practice good hygiene, like wiping down your equipment, washing your hands frequently, and staying home when feeling sick. (Updated March 21st, 2022)
- Do not share your membership card, use someone else’s card, pretend to be someone else by providing false information, or try to transfer a day pass stamp; doing so may result in immediate suspension of facility access and/or cancellation of membership.
- The use of camera/video enabled devices is strictly prohibited in change rooms and washrooms. In all other areas of the facility, use of these devices is allowed provided it is for personal use only, does not disrupt the activity of others, and is in accordance with the CGC User Code of Conduct and posted Safety Standards. Please be respectful of others: Avoid capturing others in the background of photos, and make phone calls/send texts in the hallways.
- Written permission from the CGC is required prior to capturing any images or video for professional or commercial use within the facility.
- No solicitation.
- Lockers are for daily use only and items left overnight will be removed. Canada Games Centre is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property.
- We are a scent aware facility. Please think twice before spraying or applying anything strongly scented.
- Food or beverages other than water or sports drinks are not permitted beyond the access gates. Please note only water in a non-breakable container is allowed in the Aquatics Centre.
- Use of alcohol, any illegal drug(s) or smoking/vaping on the property or within the facility is strictly prohibited.
- Canada Games Centre does not permit outside personal trainers to train clients within the facility for liability and legal purposes. We do, however, have some spectacular and expertly certified trainers of our own to help you reach your fitness goals.
- Canada Games Centre does not permit one-on-one or group training by outside coaches during Open or Member time in any area of the facility. If interested in conducting training or instruction sessions please contact our Facility Rentals & Events Coordinator at 902.490.2238.
Like your home, each of our rooms or areas within the Centre have their own set of rules or safety standards, please follow them:
- Aquatics Safety Standards
- Field House and Track Safety Standards
- Fitness Centre Safety Standards
- Change Rooms
User Code of Conduct
The User Code of Conduct was created to promote appropriate and respectful behaviour, and athletic integrity within the Canada Games Centre. The User Code of Conduct applies to all users, participants, rental groups, parents and spectators within the Centre. Anyone performing unacceptable behaviour may be asked to leave the premises and suspension or termination of the day pass, rental or membership agreement may occur.
Unacceptable Behaviour
Shall include, but not be limited to:
- Physical violence or threats of physical violence;
- Use of obscene, vulgar, or threatening language or gestures in any manner to anyone at any time;
- Taunting of users, members, players, coaches, officials or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, or the use of abusive or demeaning language;
- Willfully damaging Centre property and/or equipment;
- Using equipment or the Centre with malicious intent;
- Any other behaviour which a Canada Games Centre employee finds to be inappropriate, disruptive or abusive in the circumstances.
Age Regulations
Area | Age Regulations |
Facility |
Change Rooms |
Fitness Centre |
Drop-in Fitness Classes |
Track |
Aquatics Centre |
Universal Change Room
- This is a gender neutral and inclusive change room. It is available to all ages and the most accessible of the change rooms.
- Clothing is required in locker areas / no nudity in shared spaces.
- Please be mindful of how much time you occupy stalls / showers, others may be waiting to use them.
- All lockers are for day use only. Make sure to lock-up and do not leave items in the change stalls. The CGC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Please be scent aware, others may be sensitive to scented products.
- All patrons must shower with soap before entering the pool.
- Change room must be empty no later than 15 minutes after closing time.
- Use of cell phones and camera enabled devices is strictly prohibited in the change room.
- No food, beverages or breakable items permitted.

Gender Neutral Washroom


Change Room

Accessible Space

Height Adjustable Adult Change Table
Wet & Dry Change Rooms
- The CGC has a Female Wet Change Room, a Male Wet Change Room, a Female Dry Change Room and a Male Dry Change Room. The wet change rooms have access to the Aquatics Centre, while the dry change rooms do not.
- Children ages 0-4 years old may use the male or female changes rooms with their parent or guardian.
- Children of the opposite sex ages 5 years or older must use the Universal Change Room or the change room of their sex.
- All lockers are for day use only. Make sure to lock-up and do not leave items in the change stalls. The CGC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Please be scent aware, others may be sensitive to scented products.
- All patrons must shower with soap before entering the pool.
- Change room must be empty no later than 15 minutes after closing time.
- Use of cell phones and camera enabled devices is strictly prohibited in the change rooms.
- No food, beverages or breakable items permitted.