Mainland North JEM Meeting
March 26, 2025 | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
New Members Welcome!
Are you concerned about extreme weather, hurricanes, or other disasters impacting you or your neighbors? Do you care for someone with special needs, or with limited mobility? The Mainland North Joint Emergency Management (JEM) team is looking for new members. Join us and learn how you can help your family and your neighborhood be better prepared for a disaster.
Joint Emergency Management (JEM) is a concept developed by the Halifax Regional Municipality’s Emergency Management Division (EMD) of Halifax Fire & Emergency to allow community organizations to prepare for, and respond quickly to, a wide range of emergencies. JEM teams are the community volunteers of EMD. In times of crisis, the EMD may activate JEM teams to operate comfort centres for residents to charge devices or get information. During other times, JEM teams conduct public education events to educate residents how they can prepare their family and household to understand risks and to be prepared to evacuate or shelter in place for 72 hours in the event of an emergency. We also work to identify muster points and evacuation routes.
The Mainland North JEM area includes Fairmount, Fairview, Mount Royale, Clayton Park West, Bayers Lake Business Park, Rockingham and portions of Bedford South. We meet the fourth (4th) Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm, at the Canada Games Centre located at 26 Thomas Raddall Drive, Halifax.
2025 Upcoming meetings:
- March 26
For further information or to join the meetings, please email Dave at