EMN 2nd Annual Hats & Mittens Project
November 15, 2017 – December 29, 2017
Canada Games Centre
26 Thomas Raddall Drive
Engage Mainland North is excited to announce the 2nd Annual Hats & Mittens Project. This project collects new or cleaned gently used hats, mittens and scarves to donate for the needy. When cold weather rolls in, we head into that time of year when needs are greatest. We are reaching out to the community and asking everyone to check their winter gear bins and come together to help people stay warm in the winter by gathering as many donations as possible over the next few months.
The project will run to Friday, December 29, 2017 and donations can be dropped off at the Canada Games Centre Customer Service Desk. Other drop-off locations in Clayton Park include Keshen Goodman Library, Bella Rose Arts Centre, and Grace Chapel.
This year’s donations will benefit the local YMCA Centre for Immigrant Program, which offers a variety of programs and outreach services to help newcomers integrate into their new community, in an environment that is inclusive and welcoming.
If you’d like to become involved or have questions, phone 902-430-8349, email engagemainlandnorth@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook.
Thank you for your donation!